Fu-Sheng Huang
Fu-Sheng Huang
The story behind
Curious and courageous, I thrive on challenges, turning adventures into innovative experiences through technology

About Myself

I am fascinated by the potential of cloud computing and the agility it could offer to software development. Since then, I've dedicated myself to mastering the intricacies of cloud infrastructures, DevOps practices, and full stack development.

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” ― Pelé · Wikipedia

Through continuous learning and adapting, I've evolved with the industry. From deploying my first container to orchestrating entire cloud environments, each step has been a lesson in efficiency, scalability, and resilience. My goal has always been to build systems that aren't just functional, but are robust enough to withstand the ever-changing demands of technology.

Fu-Sheng Huang Racer

1998 - Current

Whether it's refining a pipeline or debugging a complex codebase, I approach each challenge as an opportunity to learn and become better. This concept has not only resulted in great efforts, but it has also generated an innovative culture wherever I've worked.

Fu-Sheng Huang
“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.”
H. Jackson Brown, Jr. · Wikipedia

Looking ahead, I'm excited about the future and keep preparing. The landscape of cloud computing and software engineering is ever-changing, and I'm committed to staying on the cutting edge, learning new technologies, and refining my craft. After all, the journey of improvement is never complete, and I am eager to see where it takes me next.

Work Experience

  • Motorola Solutions
    Feb 2024 · Present
    Full Stack Engineer
    Motorola Solutions
    Cloud · DevOps · Softare Development
    Collaboratively worked with a dynamic team to develop, maintain, and provide support for essential platforms and applications, incorporating high-quality standards and extensive test coverage to ensure robustness and reliability.
    Actively engaged in minimising technical debt by consistently refactoring code, emphasising the creation of highly secure applications through the implementation of comprehensive defense-in-depth principles.
    Played a key role in enhancing code sustainability and future-proofing by rigorously following advanced architectural principles and patterns, ensuring scalability and ease of maintenance.
    Focused on full-scale automation, contributed significantly to the development and maintenance of CI/CD pipelines, and took a proactive stance in service monitoring, incident response, and detailed post-incident analysis for continuous improvement.
  • WH IT Service
    Jun 2023 · Jan 2023
    Full Stack Engineer
    WH IT Service (Self-Employed)
    Cloud · DevOps · Softare Development
    Developed and deployed scalable, cloud-native applications across various cloud platforms (Azure, AWS, GCP). Built full-stack solutions, from creating APIs management and backend logic in Go and Node.js to crafting intuitive, user-friendly front-end interfaces with Next.js and Redux. Ensured optimal performance, SEO, and responsiveness of applications, contributing to enhanced user experiences and client satisfaction.
  • Lumachain
    Aug 2022 · Jun 2023
    Junior DevOps Engineer
    Lumachain (Melbourne - Remote)
    Cloud · DevOps · Softare Development
    Collaborated with 2 senior developers to implement a new internal platform using Django. Additionally, developed an annotation online tool and a function to configure online AI module settings. Achieved a reduction in manual working time and significantly decreased external provisioning errors.
    Designed automation solutions using Shell Script, Python, and Yaml, which were embedded in Azure DevOps Pipelines. These solutions were tailored to execute AI modules and manage Docker containers on Kubernetes. Streamlined processes, ensuring efficient execution of AI modules and enhanced maintenance of Docker containers.
    Created auto-validation and video-downloading scripts to automate repetitive data collection tasks for Machine Learning. Reduced traditional work time and minimised manual operation errors.
    Formulated automation scripts to monitor and maintain remote servers. These scripts also assisted in diagnosing and debugging issues in Kubernetes orchestration and in analysing errors. Boosted working efficiency and significantly improved overall system performance.
  • Sunny Pc 昇妮資訊
    Jan 2021 · Mar 2022
    Software Developer
    Sunny Computer (Melbourne - Remote)
    Cloud · DevOps · Softare Development
    Implemented and designed robust database models tailored for high-concurrency applications used by Sunny Computer and its clients. This resulted in great improvement in data retrieval speeds and ensured data integrity across all transactions.
    Developed RESTful APIs and spearheaded the design in Node.js and Golang, integrating best practices for security and scalability. Successfully deployed over 20 endpoints, which enhanced the application's flexibility and facilitated seamless integration with third-party services, leading to a great increase in external integrations.
    Established secure connections to cloud services with robust authentication and authorization systems, including database storage and file storage solutions. Integrated role-based access controls. This integration streamlined data backups, reduced latency by 40% and provided a scalable infrastructure that adapts to growing user demands. Additionally, reduced unauthorized access incidents and enhanced user trust in the platform's safety measures.
    Designed and set up CI/CD pipelines to automate code integration and deployment processes. Additionally, transitioned the application architecture to Docker-based microservices, which improved system resilience, reduced deployment times, and allowed for efficient scaling based on service demand.


  • Fu-Sheng Huang Graduated from Unimelb
    Feb 2019 · Jul 2022
    Bachelor of Science
    Computer Science
    Melbourne, Victoria, Austraila
    Throughout my years at The University of Melbourne, I immersed myself in a lively educational environment, interacting with dedicated instructors. This rich weave of information and collaboration polished my talents and ignited a great passion for my field of study, forming the foundation of my professional ethos.


  • Fu-Sheng Huang At UNSW_AVIAITON
    Oct 2023 · Current
    Full Stack Engineer
    UNSW School of Aviation
    Melbourne, Victoria, Austraila
    Developing robust automated backend and Responsive frontend for other Research Assistant to work on Data Analysis.
  • Fu-Sheng Huang At PEERMENTOR
    Jan 2022 · Jun 2022
    Peer Mentor - Nominated
    UMSU Mentoring Network
    Melbourne, Victoria, Austraila
    Guided newcomers through academic challenges, fostering a supportive and inclusive community
  • Fu-Sheng Huang At PEERMENTOR
    Jan 2021 · Dec 2021
    Peer Mentor - Nominated
    UMSU Mentoring Network
    Melbourne, Victoria, Austraila
    Provided mentorship, enhancing student life and academic success through personalized guidance
  • Fu-Sheng Huang At MUTSA
    Oct 2020 · Oct 2021
    The Director of Social Event
    Melbourne Taiwanese Student Association
    Melbourne, Victoria, Austraila
    Designed memorable events, strengthening community ties and enriching campus culture
  • Fu-Sheng Huang At PEERMENTOR
    Feb 2020 · Jul 2020
    Peer Mentor - Nominated
    UMSU Mentoring Network
    Melbourne, Victoria, Austraila
    Mentored peers with dedication, promoting educational excellence and personal growth
  • Fu-Sheng Huang At MUEEC
    Feb 2020 · Jul 2020
    SuperHack Student Mentor
    Melbourne University Electrical Engineering Club
    Melbourne, Victoria, Austraila
    Led aspiring young female high school students in hackathons, inspiring innovation and practical problem-solving skills

More Pictures More Fun

Enjoy every moment in the life

Fu-Sheng Public Speaking
Fu-Sheng & Lumachain Collegue
Fu-Sheng at Google
Fu-Sheng & Xue Ying 's TuTu
Fu-Sheng at Theme park
Fu-Sheng Chill
Fu-Sheng & Xue Ying 's PiPi
Fu-Sheng & Lumachain Collegue & Lumachain CEO
Xue Ying & Fu-Sheng at Theme park
Fu-Sheng at MUEEC
Fu-Sheng's Graduation
Fu-Sheng & Professional Year Classmates